Monday, June 10, 2019

Making Friends for Anti-Social People

I went shopping for a splashy rock and found a new friend! He needs a name. Suggestions are welcome.

I'm so obsessive when I'm shopping. I think I looked at every rock out there. Some were too big, some were too dry, some looked like a tsunami rolling in. I was concerned none of these would fit, but I think it works.

Plus.. bonus sea lion.

Now when I'm sitting on the beach, talking to myself, I can at least pretend I'm talking to my new bud.

I'm planning to go back for a crow and/or a seagull.



Moz said...

Decorating is going well, my friend! Look in your library as I think there are some seagulls and if I remember rightly they are quite good! Lionel for the sea lion :}

Mahala Roviana said...

Thanks! And Lionel is a great name :)