Thursday, June 20, 2019

When Neighbors Harsh Your Mellow

When I logged off the other night, I stopped and gazed around my parcel, feeling satisfied. I was content. I had everything just so and I was feeling a little proud of myself. After my early struggles with my new mesh avatar (so many HUDs, seriously) I was no longer paranoid that my head was out of proportion to my body, that I was too thin, too muscular and too short. 

Virtual nirvana. 

I signed on the following day and as everything slowly came in to focus, I noticed a glow, yellow like a highlighter. 

Is the sun brighter than usual? Aliens landed? Minion infestation? I glanced toward the window and found the source. My neighbor, who's ginormous 4592m parcel dwarfs my little 1024, had put some crime scene looking monstrosity around her plot, right butt up against the line. If I'd put something like that up, I'd at least add a floating corpse. I mean, if you're going to be that tacky, you may as well own it.

Nirvana crushed.

I know people can do whatever they want with their own parcel, but why would you want to make it ugly for everyone else? 

I de-rendered the line closest to me, but that wasn't going to help if I had guests over. I'm still debating hosting discussions. I thought about it for a bit. I despise big ass screens blocking everyone's view but I didn't know what else to do. I went in search for something with a natural look. I settled on some rock cliffs, which cut into my splashy rock's spinny prim, so I had to take it up. So no more sea lion (for now.) I changed the islands from three to two, creating more usable land space and I added a waterfall. I'm not done tinkering with it, the construction is using more prims that I'd like. I might play with the size some or add more waterfalls. 

I've only seen the neighbor in question maybe three times. I don't know what the border marker fuss is about, I looked and I couldn't find where anyone was over the line.

Speaking of neighbors, I've made attempts to meet a few of mine. I talked to two who were super friendly and one that seemed woefully uninterested.

I guess two out of three isn't bad.

How do you deal with parcel boundaries and unfriendly neighbors? Let me know in the comments below!

1 comment:

Meri said...

Oh wow, that was very ugly. Nice solution though. Yeah... my ways of dealing with nuisance SL neighbours have mainly revolved around trees, landscaping etc. Only once did we have to resort to the giant prim. Basically, we just wait them out cus we love our bit of mainland and have been there 10 years. The rest come and go! xx