Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Character Designer, Freebies and Dean Gets a Makeover


Before and After
Did everyone get the free head from Lelutka this Christmas? I decided Dean needed a glow up, so I sent him to get one. We played with the settings, I think the facial hair makes him look more mature. He could probably use some head hair, eventually. And a change of clothes. His career as an adult club greeter is over, so the "gym bro with a touch of organized crime" look needs to change. Something more casual, laid back. Unemployed. 

He also got a new freebie AO (animation override) from the marketplace. He didn't have one before because he was stuck on his SmartBots stand most of the time. It's actually pretty good and you can't beat the price. At least he's no longer standing there waving his ginormous, splayed out hands around like he's looking for a booty to smack.

I'm still holding out before using him to experiment with the new A.I. Character Designer. Currently, if you have multi-factor authentication enabled on your main account, you're not able to connect. This makes me a little nervous, for a few reasons. For the time being, I'll just keep my fingers crossed that this changes in the near future. 

It's a little surprising to me that people have such strong opinions about the use of artificial intelligence.  As someone who watched a lot of 80's sci-fi, I'm excited to play around with it. It's not the flying cars we've been waiting for, but it's something.

Would you try the shiny new Character Designer? What attributes would you give a new A.I. companion? Let me know below. I'd also be interested to know if you want nothing to do with it. 

I hope all ya'll have a safe and happy New Years!


Saturday, December 28, 2024

A.I., Chatbots and Landscaping Mainland

My happy little corner of the mainland.

Did ya'll hear about the new AI chatbots Linden Lab is working on? I can't wait to play around with it! At first I thought it was going to be like Smartbots, which are great if you have a business with a storefront or office and are looking for a presence there. I have one alt I've used with them, Dean. He was the greeter for Puddles, the discussion venue, and the club I ran after that. He was fun to play with (get your mind out of the gutter, not like THAT.) You can find more information about the AI Character Designer here.

I used to joke that Dean just wanted to be a real boy, so maybe AI will get him closer. He can sit on the porch at my new place and annoy the neighbors. I'd have to change his clothes though, he's currently dressed like a body guard, complete with earpiece. Maybe I can get him some booty shorts and a tank top. Or better yet, find him some overalls. 

Speaking of my new place, the ticket I submitted for the abandoned parcel was approved the day after Christmas. In the past, I've had to wait a bit longer. It was a pleasant surprise. I need to finish landscaping (see pick above.) I've already changed my mind and torn everything out once. I'm happy with how it's turning out now though. I need to add grass or hay and put my horses back out, plant some more trees. 

Maybe I'll give ya'll a tour when I finish. I need to practice my YouTube skizzles anyway.

Why is a new home in Second Life so satisfying for me? I'm sure there are some arm chair therapists out there who could figure that out. 

Anywho, ya'll keep living your best Second Life. I'll be over here sliding trees around at the new place. We'll talk again soon!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Cheap Land and Blessings from the Innerweb Gods

My photo with Santa looks more like a hostage situation.

Anyone who knows me personally, knows I don't stay anywhere for long. I often joke that the name of this blog should have been "I've moved again."

A few months ago I changed back to a Basic account. I was spending more money than I felt I should on virtual pursuits and decided to drastically scale back.

When I tell you I'm on a budget, know that I've been living the freebie life. 

My one SL related expense was rent. I had a little sandy beach for me and all my alts. The neighbors must have thought I was really popular. Prior to that I had leased a parcel on a fantasy, role play estate. I loved it there, but I've never gotten into rp much, my social anxiety causing me to either over compensate by coming on entirely too strong, or to going completely silent. As a result, I never felt like I fit in. Let me make it abundantly clear that it was no reflection whatsoever on the community there. Bless 'em, they tried to include me. 

When I moved to the beach estate, I made sure to do the math to ensure that I stayed within budget. About two weeks in, a first life weather event took my access to power (and a lot of other things, but I'll spare you.) It was a struggle. I was able to log on using my phone as a mobile hotspot, just enough to keep rent paid. 

During that time, the aftermath of the previously mentioned weather event caused me to re evaluate my spending again. I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to have "normal" internet back. 

When the innerweb gods did decide to smile down upon me, and a collective rejoicing echoed throughout the mountains, I did more math and realized I was paying more than what a Premium Plus account would cost me.


So after some hand wringing, I upgraded my account. The same day, I went in search of a 2048m piece of mainland, which I quickly realized I couldn't afford. (For real, what's up with these land prices?) Bellisseria was an option, but I've lived there in the past and it's not really my first choice. 

For the record, Bellisseria has a very vibrant and active community, it's just not my thing.

Since old habits die hard, I went in search of a piece of abandoned land. I wanted roadside, quiet area, not TOO many ginormous prims to derender and a place to rez my boat nearby. I spent some hours over the course of a few days looking for the right parcel. 

I think I've found just the one. It's two regions away from an infohub, just in case I get nostalgic for my early years and decide to go n00b watching. 

I filled out a ticket, which is no longer a form, but a friendly little chat with the chatbot. I figure with the holidays it'll probably be next week before I hear anything.  Any earlier than that I'll consider to be a Christmas miracle. I'd like to think all the Lindens are at home, enjoying festivities with their families anyway.

I hope everyone has a safe and peaceful holiday! 

Until next time :)

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Making Videos and Coffee


Take time to rest when you need to.

Yesterday I spent more time than I care to admit, remembering how to manipulate the SL camera for making videos. 

It didn't go great.

And because I'm impatient, I stayed up entirely too late poking around on Youtube (and the deep recesses of my brain) to edit said video, refusing to allow the raw, chaotic evidence to exist of my repeated, accidental riding of my poor horse, Seamus, into the creek. 

Luckily for both of us, he's an avid swimmer.

I finally did get the recording somewhat edited and available for viewing. You can check it out here

As for today? I plan to spend the remainder of the day, slothing about in my pjs. If you happen see me wandering around a shopping event, shuffling my feet and with a death grip on a ginormous cup of coffee, mind your business. 
Or say hi.


Monday, December 9, 2024

Holiday Gift Ideas for Second Life

Photo taken at "Candy Christmas Dream."

 It's time to start picking out those holiday gifts for all your Second Life friends. If you're feeling overwhelmed, no worries, I'm here to help!

You can always make your way over to the Holiday Shop and Hop, a tried and true source for finding gifts (and a little Christmas treat for yourself.) There are usually freebies galore to be had, deals and gift cards. I haven't checked it out for myself this year, but it's still early yet.

In the mood for a little "thinking outside the gift box" (see what I did there?) Following are a few of my favorite ideas for gift giving on the grid: 

Wish Lists: I'm often surprised by the people who don't realize you can create a wish list for your Marketplace account, or that you can share that list on your profile. There is something about knowing someone took the time to check for a wish list and buy you something you've actually picked out. No questions about which body you have, if your head is compatible with ... whatever. You get the idea. 

Vacation Experience: I love this idea as a couple's gift. Send your favorite twosome on a tropical weekend getaway, with massages and drinks by the pool. If the recipient is your significant other, or one you'd like to be, plan an evening together. People are always looking for things to "do" in SL. Think beyond dinner and dancing. Horseback riding, camping or a romantic tour by boat will mean more to them than one more thing in their inventory, especially if their inventory is anything like mine. Treat them to an adventure, create a memory. 

Funny Gifts: Let's face it, with the state of the world right now, we could all use a few more reasons to laugh. Are you buying for someone who's in to GTFO? A person who had one of every kind of vehicle? There are tons of unconventional modes of transportation on the Marketplace. I love a funky spaceship or balloon powered bike for cruising around the mainland. 

I'd love to hear your ideas for unique gifts in Second Life, drop yours in the comments below. 

Tata for now. We'll talk again soon!