Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Like a Good Neighbor, Stay Over There

I'm back after a short holiday break. Did anyone miss me? Anyone?

*Tap Tap* Is this thing even ON?


I came back to new neighbors, one of which built a ginormous, full bright, brick, monstrosity caddy corner from my deck.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not someone who wants to block everything from my view. I kind of like the quirkiness of living on the mainland, but this... thing... was a bit much. I finally came to the conclusion that the only way to camouflage that corner of the property was to either put up one of those giant cliffs and plant palm trees on top of it or move from my hi-rise beach house to one closer to the water.

It wasn't a problem. As I've said before, I have an embarrassingly large collection of houses in my inventory. Trompe Loeil gets most of my L$. 

I soon noticed someone flying around the glowy building and decided to be neighborly and say hi.

I knew this was a mistake the moment I started typing. The logical part of my brain started nagging at me to stop. This wouldn't end well. But the flighty, trying-to-be-a-better-person part of my brain told me to go for it.

 I should have listened to logic.

The new guy seemed nice enough at first, although the first thing out of his mouth was some comment about having sexy neighbors.

Red flag number one.

We spoke for a few minutes, exchanged niceties, then I excused myself to get back to building. I popped up to my platform and got to work. It was less than a minute before he showed up, 3000m in the air.

"What are you building? Do you want some advice?"

Oh gawd yes, could you please mansplain to me how to build a roof, when your giant, square, glow box is the bane of the neighborhood.

The next thing I know, he's raised his own platform beside mine and demanded my attention as he showed me an example of how I should be putting my prims together.

He also suggested that I should try building naked and after more sexual innuendo than I can handle in one day, especially while trying to do math and cobble textures together, he got mad and left.

The messages continued the next day. I finally just blocked him.

I'm not a prude, I swear. I was clearly preoccupied with something, yet he expected me to just drop everything and follow him to his... lair... to bump uglies. What is with people? Don't they know there are adult rated sims where you can pretty much just walk down the road and find whatever kink tickles your pixels?


Ya'll have a great one. I'll be around.